1. The Use of Voice Search Will Continue to Increase
On mobile devices, a lot of people choose to use voice search, speaking their queries rather than typing them into their phones. This trend will likely grow as voice recognition technology improves and search engines get even smarter at answering people’s questions. Just look at the Google Quick Answer box and how that has evolved so rapidly.
This will also impact the way you develop your content. You now need to take into consideration what type of answers you content is providing and whether those answers are conducive to people clicking on your website or not.
2. Semantic Search Will Place Topics Above Keywords
Keywords are still very important, but not as much as they once were. Obviously, the words you choose to include in your posts are important because that is how Google understands what much of the post is about, but exact keywords and keyword frequency need to be balanced with the rise of semantic search.
Aim to focus on topics and themes using synonyms and lots of related words instead of just optimizing for one specific keyword. Keep in mind what the user’s experience will be like. If your website is useful, has high-quality content and is user friendly, it will have a positive impact on your SEO.
3. Featured Snippets Will Be a Coveted & Aggressively Sought After
You’ve probably seen the Featured Snippets from Google that appear as the top results in a SERP’s. This is a prime position for just about any company because it ups your chances of getting more clicks to your content and signals to searchers that you’re an authoritative source (as backed up by Google). Getting this spot and other rich snippets is likely to be one of the key focuses for SEO professionals in 2017. This is also super important for mobile. Check out this click-to-call rich snippet:
So, where are we heading with SEO in mohali eventually?
Artificial Intelligence is developing fast, I have serious doubt many of the things that we right now would exist in their present forms, they would have evolved into something very different by 2020.
These views are based on my own assumptions of rapid development of AI:
· Google will get tough competition from competitors equipped with Artificial Intelligence, who would give Google run for its money. Some company have taken ahead in terms of search results from google by 2020.
· Reverse image search in its present form is pretty crude and not very efficient, it relies on existing Algorithms of face recognition etc. I expect this to evolve faster and provide FBI like face recognition easily accessible over the internet in coming years.
· YouTube would have perfected the search, by able to listen, understand and convert all the content in audio/video files. The video searches would become more precise.
· eCommerce would become more powerful, easily accessible and Amazon is going to lead the race. Amazon will also have lot to offer to new website / web store / app store owners.
· ASO - App store optimization would become more intelligent and we will be able to get more and more Apps available to us as search engine would be able to understand not only the content but the context of apps.
· Virtual Reality : This is something which going to become popular and eCommerce would be integrated with VR in seamless fashion someway.
Based on these I believe the face of current top SEO company in mohali would have changed alot however, content (text/audio/video) would remain the focus of the SERPs.
If you would like to read more from me, follow me Quora Vijay Gaur


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