
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Future of Seo .5 Stats the show where google is heading

The Future of Seo .4 Stats  the show where google is heading Content discovery is going beyond web browsers From being just a buzzword , m obile  has quickly become a major source of internet browsing.  ComScore  noted that we’re already past the mobile tipping point. Indeed, a recent report claims that mobile media sites have also become the  chief source of commerce . Moreover, the number of smartphone owners keeps on increasing bringing in a new era of mobile media marketing and mobile web design. As per  Statista , mobile internet penetration will grow to 61.2 percent worldwide in 2018. We are getting more familiar and habitual with using the smaller screen for everyday activities.  Google revealed  that the number of mobile search queries has overtaken those from desktops. But, when using mobiles for search queries, search marketing, and social media, you don’t just open search engines in mobile browsers to find information. There’s an easier method, offerin


SEo FUTURE The Use of Voice Search Will Continue to Increase On mobile devices, a lot of people choose to use voice search, speaking their queries rather than typing them into their phones. This trend will likely grow as voice recognition technology improves and search engines get even smarter at answering people’s questions. Just look at the  Google Quick Answer box  and how that has evolved so rapidly. This will also impact the way you develop your content. You now need to take into consideration what type of answers you content is providing and whether those answers are conducive to people clicking on your website or not. 2.  Semantic Search Will Place Topics Above Keywords Keywords are still very important, but not as much as they once were. Obviously, the words you choose to include in your posts are important because that is how Google understands what much of the post is about, but exact keywords and keyword frequency need to be balanced with the rise of semantic se

Types OF SEO?

Types of SEO As the colors of the types of search engine optimization suggest, there are stark differences in the approach and long-term results of white hat and black hat search engine optimization. Though both types of SEO have their proponents, most companies/websites with long-term, stable, and sustainable goals will tend to stay away from the dark-colored variety. Here is a quick overview: White Hat SEO Black Hat SEO Definition White hat SEO utilizes techniques and methods to improve the search engine rankings of a website which don't run afoul of search engine (mainly Google) guidelines. Black Hat SEO exploits weaknesses in the search engine algorithms to obtain high rankings for a website. Such techniques and methods are in direct conflict with search engine guidelines. Wholesomeness Level High Very Low (not wholesome at all if you ask those in charge of cleaning search engine result page spam) Techniques Some white hat SEO techniques include: high quality c

What is SEO?

What is SEO? Search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website on organic ('natural' or un-paid) search engine result pages (SERPs). This goal is accomplished through implementation of search engine friendly website architecture, optimized internal navigation and link landscape, as well as optimization of the content (comprised, at a minimum, of readability & usability improvements, and grammatical corrections). SEO is as much art as it is science, but at its core it is the discipline of making user-friendly & useful content understandable and easily digestible by search engines.